Benefit from the long-term potential of Crypto Assets without the risk or complexity

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Maximize your returns with
Digital Asset Investing

At Actalize, we specialize in passive investing strategies in the exciting space of digital assets. Our fund is designed to offer investors a hassle-free approach to capitalize on the potential of these assets. With our proven track record and experienced team, you can trust us to navigate the complexities of the digital asset market on your behalf.

Our Mission

At Actalize, we pursue a long-term vision in our investment approach. While we are proud of our track record of outperforming even the best-performing asset class of the last decade, Bitcoin, our focus goes beyond short-term gains.

Our model portfolio is built on a proven strategy that prioritizes risk management and capital protection. By choosing crypto assets with the best risk-adjusted returns and a long-term growth potential, we remove emotional decision-making from the equation and ensure our investors’ assets are secure.

However, our commitment to creating a better future goes even further.

Our world-class team, with over 60 years of combined experience in investing, crypto, and finance, is dedicated not only to providing potentially profitable investments but also to giving back to disadvantaged communities in Africa.

We invest a share of our profits in projects that have a positive social impact, and our goal is to help 1 million underbanked entrepreneurs get the necessary training and financing to start successful businesses.

By investing in Actalize, you are not only taking advantage of the exciting and rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies but also making a difference in the world. 

Join us in our mission and contribute to creating a better future for all. With our experienced team and commitment to higher values and principles, we are confident in our ability to continue delivering strong results in the future.

Our Core Values

Our values form the foundation of our approach to investment and to social responsibility


We uphold the highest standards of ethics and transparency in all our operations, ensuring the trust and confidence of our investors.


We strive for excellence in every aspect of our work, from portfolio management to client services, to deliver optimal returns.

Long-Term Focus

We take a patient and long-term approach to investing, aligning our strategies with the enduring potential of digital assets.

Social Impact

We are deeply committed to driving positive social change through our investments, supporting entrepreneurs in developing countries, and fostering economic growth.

Investment Strategy

We follow a passive investing strategy that focuses on the potential of digital assets. Our approach is based on the understanding that while there are over 24,000 digital assets in existence, only a few have the potential for long-term success. To maximize returns and minimize risks for our investors, we employ the following key elements in our investment strategy

Thorough Asset

Out of the extensive range of digital assets available, we meticulously vet and enter positions in only 1 out of approximately 500 coins. This stringent process allows us to focus on assets with strong potential for growth and stability.


Our team conducts a comprehensive vetting process for each selected asset, analyzing factors such as technological innovation, team expertise, market demand, and adoption potential. This ensures that we maximize profitability while minimizing exposure to risky or unreliable assets.

Quarterly Portfolio

We continuously monitor and review our portfolio allocation, ensuring that it remains aligned with our investment thesis. This periodic evaluation allows us to adapt to market conditions, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and optimize returns for our investors.

Investment Thesis

We believe that by embracing a passive investment strategy, investors can unlock significant benefits, including:


Digital assets offer new possibilities for diversification, allowing investors to access alternative investment opportunities beyond traditional markets.

Potential for Growth

The digital asset market presents immense growth potential, driven by technological innovation, global adoption, and increasing institutional interest.

Risk Mitigation

Through our passive approach, we aim to minimize the risks associated with active trading and market volatility, offering stability and peace of mind to our investors.

Portfolio Preservation

Our strategy focuses on preserving and growing wealth over the long term, with a keen eye on wealth protection in the face of economic uncertainties.

Past Returns Timeframe

May 1st 2020 to October 1st 2023 (3.42 years)

+ 0 %
S&P 500 Index Returns
+ 0 %
Nasdaq 100 Index Returns
+ 0 %
Bitcoin Returns
+ 0 %
Actalize Model Portfolio Returns

Check our Live Portfolio Performance Here

Please be sure to choose the correct timeframe: May 1st 2020 to October 1st 2023


Actalize volatility resistant model portfolio

Deep Research

Our team vigorously monitors crypto markets as well as fundamental, quantitative, and qualitative analyses to identify long-term growth potential in the assets

Long Term Vision

We seek to generate positive returns while minimizing transaction costs and taxes. The primary focus is on passive management to capture the long term growth potential of selective assets. Nevertheless, there may be occasional opportunities for active trading

Risk Mitigation

We exclude from our portfolio all Crypto assets that have a higher risk profile. We’re continuously working to improve the risk-reward ratio of our portfolio

Our Team

Our team at Actalize comprises seasoned professionals with extensive expertise in digital assets and investment management.


General Partner and Member of the Investment Committee

✓  Founder and host of the Swiss Investors Summits

  Founder of a successful Cryptocurrency retail business

✓  Advised and helped in the scaling of several startups like Tèaura and AFPA

✓  Worked as a marketing consultant and manager with several training centers

✓  Managed successful Google and Facebook marketing strategies since 2010 with consistent return on investment of ~18x

✓  Adopted bitcoin as an investor and miner in 2013

✓  Winner of the European Business Masters Cup 2008

Athanasios T. LADOPOULOS

General Partner and Member of the Investment Committee

✓ Former CIO and Hedge fund manager with Directors Dealings Fund

✓ Former Institutional investor with ADIA, Xanthus, Claridge Capital

✓ Former Chief Investment Officer at LAPO BLOCKCHAIN AG

✓ Former Managing Partner & Head of Investments at Alphorn Venture Partners

✓ Former Associate Director – TMT equity research, Lazard CM

✓ Leader of the CBDCs & Monetary Policy Task Force at the Crypto Valley Association

✓ Director of the Founders Institute (Switzerland/Israel chapter)

✓ Founder of two tech mentoring platforms: MOOCTORS and

✓ Advisor in several Swiss tech-startups


General Partner and Member of the Investment Committee

✓  World-class NLP Expert

✓  Blockchain and Metaverse Strategist

✓  Gamification Behavioral Designer

✓  Top 50 Global Thought Leader and Influencer on EdTech 2022 & 2021

✓  Bitcoin adopter since 2011

Gbemisola OSADUA

General Partner and Member of the Investment Committee

✓  International trade and Investment lawyer from University College London

✓  Awardee of the Top 100 Women Impacting Africa Finalist, Mckinsey and Company Next Generation Women Leaders Award LLM

✓  Worked in various projects with the United Nations and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)





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Digital Assets

If you are a Qualified Investor

Why Choose Us?

Our team has collectively 30+ Years of crypto and investment experience. We will offer you the expert guidance to navigate and maximize returns in the complex cryptocurrency world.

Consistent Returns

Our fund has consistently delivered competitive returns since 2020. By leveraging our passive investment strategy, we aim to generate steady growth for our investors, capturing the long-term potential of digital assets.

Historical Performance Data

We provide transparent access to our historical performance data, allowing you to assess our track record and make informed investment decisions. Our past performance demonstrates our ability to navigate the volatility of the digital asset market while delivering strong results.

Performance Benchmark

We compare our performance against relevant industry benchmarks to provide you with an objective measure of our success. Our commitment to outperforming these benchmarks reflects our dedication to maximizing your investment returns.

Important Disclaimer


By visiting this website, you are accessing restricted information that is not intended for non-qualified investors. You confirm and acknowledge that you are acting as a qualified investor as defined by the CISA.

You will have access to information that is not intended for or available to non-qualified investors and is reserved for qualified investors who, by their nature, possess the knowledge and skills necessary to make investment decisions and properly assess the risks involved. The information is aimed exclusively at qualified investors as defined in art. 10 para. 3 and para. 3ter, Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes of 23 June 2006 (“CISA”) and its enforcement order. Qualified investors include regulated financial intermediaries such as banks, securities firms collective asset managers, central banks, regulated insurance companies, institutions under public law with a professional treasury, pension funds or institutions serving occupational pension plans with a professional treasury or companies with a professional treasury.

All content on this website is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any financial products or services, or a promise to undertake or solicit business, and should not be relied upon or considered in connection with any offer or sale of financial products or services. A list of funds registered with FINMA can be found at For funds offered in Switzerland, the place of performance and jurisdiction is the registered office of the representative in Switzerland.The prospectus, key investor information documents, articles of association and annual and semi-annual reports or equivalent fund documents posted on this website are available on request and free of charge from the representative in Switzerland. If you are not a qualified investor, you can also access regulatory documents online for funds authorised for marketing in your jurisdiction by clicking here.

Actalize Digital Assets, is responsible for the content of this website in the context of the offer in Switzerland. By remaining on this website you agree to be bound by our Terms of Use AND you confirm that you are a qualified investor with the necessary knowledge to assess the risks of investing in financial products.Each fund has specific risks, which can significantly increase under unusual market conditions. As the fund is in the Cryptocurrency asset class, investors must be willing to bear the additional risk involved.